Huge Thank You for Helping my Little Molly


Huge Thank You for Helping my Little Molly

I cried sad tears at first and then happy tears. You are doing such an amazing thing! Molly is happy and healthy and I am now double puppy proofing the home. From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank you for helping my baby!


You Helped Save My Baby Hedwig


You Helped Save My Baby Hedwig

You helped save my baby. He has fully healed and he is back to his spunky and energetic little self. He likes to run around and play. He even plays fetch and wags his tail. I swear he is part dog. I just want to thank you for everything and I hope to one day pay it forward.


Tiny is Doing Well Thanks to the Love of a Charitable Pet Foundation

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Tiny is Doing Well Thanks to the Love of a Charitable Pet Foundation

During our sleepless night we tried desperately to figure out what was to come. The next morning I called to check on the condition of Tiny and was informed by the doctor that Tiny would be having her surgery thanks to a charitable pet foundation called Frankie Friends. Never could I imagine such a gift bestowed to me and my family. Tiny is doing well thanks to Frankie's friends and the love of the charitable pet foundation. 

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Thank You for Helping Our Best Friend Pip!


Thank You for Helping Our Best Friend Pip!

You were a happy answer to our prayers and we are so grateful. Thank you so much for keeping my two best friends together! London does an iCare project each year for his gifted program to help a charity or cause important to him,and this year it will be Frankie's Friends.
