Our Scooter was very ill when we brought him to BluePearl Pet Hospital. He had urethral blockage. We were informed this condition was serious and could cause death. We could not afford treatments required and thought we might have to euthanize him. We were quite distraught at the thought of losing our Scooter. We have had Scooter and his sister 13 years since we adopted them from the Humane Society. 

BluePearl said they believed he was a good candidate for a surgery called Perineal Urethostomy/P.U.

The surgery was a success and Scooter is like his old self again!

We we're so grateful for Frankie's Friends foundation providing the grant for Scooter's surgical procedure. 

We didn't know what to do or where to turn. We are so happy that we didn't lose our Scooter. We love him so much. We've had him for 13 years and we did not want to part with him. We thank you and Scooter thanks you too! And his sister and little brother also thank you!
