My name is Joclyn; my husband’s name is Jeremy, and our 6-year-old dog is Sedaris. The timing would never be good for Sedaris to be diagnosed with cancer, obviously, but this struck at a particularly difficult point in our lives.  Between my own recent medical issues which have forced me to take an extended leave from work and my husband’s (voluntary) pay cut so he could finally pursue his dream of being a schoolteacher, securing the best veterinary care for Sedaris just did not seem possible for us. When we learned about Frankie’s Friends, our entire discussion changed.  We were suddenly free to consider the medical and surgical options presented to us by Dr. Rocha and Dr. Levy, and did not have to make a painful decision based solely on our current financial situation.

Thank you so, so much.  Sedaris is home with us, recovering well from surgery, jumping on and off the furniture, and running around with us, seemingly pain-free.  She still has treatment to come, but we are so very grateful that we have our little lady with us and that she is not in pain.  I honestly cannot say for sure what we would have done without you.


Joclyn and Jeremy and Sedaris Krevat
