

Your dog being hit by a car is always such a devastating and unexpected event. Luna is only two years old and got out of the house and got hit. She was tough at first, but was so impacted by the trauma that she had to me hospitalized in critical care for four days on oxygen because she couldn’t breath normally on her own. Emergency visits, multiple x-rays due to a fractured shoulder and fluid in her lungs, and the care my baby needed added up quickly.

Then before she was to go into shoulder repair, I was told she would need her leg amputated in order to give her a more comfortable life. After paying for her critical care stay, finances were tight. If it wasn’t for Frankie’s Friends helping us with her surgery, I don’t know how or where my girl would be. Having her home still smiling and being a soldier through this, makes me heart full again. I can't thank Frankie’s Friends enough for helping me get my Luna pain free and happy again. Here are some before, during and after pictures of my sweet girl. 
